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Advice From a Cannabis Staffing Firm CEO & Mom

CEO woman with laptop and coffee

Although the coronavirus has pushed us away from each other, forcing us to distance ourselves socially, I believe it has also brought us closer together in spirit. Every day I think about how I can give back, as I’ve been inspired by the many contributions from the cannabis industry and beyond. Today, I’ve decided to give you my advice as a mother and a cannabis staffing firm CEO. To cannabis entrepreneurs out there, I know you feel nervous about what lies ahead, but all we can do is focus on what we can control. I hope my words can guide you through these uncertain times.

Student talking to teacher on video conference

My Advice as a Mother

I am a mother of two boys who are well into their teenage years. I believe it’s important to be involved in their lives as much as possible without interfering with their natural growth. During these trying times, my goal is to be a guide for them and a source of positivity. Here is my advice as a mom:

Set Up a Schedule for your Kids

Recreate the structure your children have at school so that they stay productive working at home. They should stay off social media and avoid streaming movies or TV shows as they do classwork. Help them set time aside for breaks, so they do not feel sluggish toward the end of the day. And encourage them to do at least 20 minutes of exercise daily to help them improve their concentration and memory. Remember to monitor as much as possible how closely they are following their schedule. 

Help Your Kids Set Goals 

Setting goals is an important skill to have in school and life in general. Make sure to help your children set achievable goals for the day. Once their daily goals are set, have them create a checklist. This allows them to see their progress and feel accomplished. There are few things more satisfying than seeing your checklist complete. Have them write out the daily goals on a small whiteboard, planner, or have them download an app like Notebook

Make Family Dinner a Time For Connection

Dinner at my home is a time to connect with my sons. I make it a point to have us talk about our days, including what we’ve learned and accomplished. Don’t rush through the meal, and give each family member a chance to share a story. Sometimes someone will need to vent, and that’s okay too, especially with the coronavirus being a novel challenge. As a parent, provide your children with a positive viewpoint no matter what. I also recommend having your children help in the kitchen–if they’re old enough–for more quality time. And don’t forget to ask them what they’d like to eat to make dinner more special. 

Find 5 Things You’re Grateful For Each Day

Self-reflection is important for your mental health. I remind my sons to take note of at least five things they are grateful for throughout their day. It can be anything from the meal they just ate to having access to the Internet. The coronavirus may keep us stuck at home, but it allows us to appreciate the little things in life. Remember, all the little things add up to everything, so don’t take them for granted. 

Give Them Space 

Since my two sons are older, giving them the space they need is very important. I’m appreciative of the time we have together, but I know that we all need time apart as well. Life is about balance, so giving them their space is crucial to their growth and self-discovery. 

CEO woman with laptop and coffee

My Advice as a Cannabis Staffing Firm CEO 

I am the proud CEO of CannabizTeam, a cannabis staffing firm that specializes in placing executive, full-time, and temp talent. The coronavirus is a challenge unlike any other I have dealt with before. However, being in the cannabis industry allows you to build the skills to adapt and pivot when necessary. Here is what I have to offer to CEOs in cannabis and other industries: 

Making Adjustments to Deal with Changes

As a cannabis staffing firm CEO, I have seen the industry grow and deal with challenges. My company is always ready to adapt to keep up with the pivots in the industry. With the coronavirus looming over the economy, be sure you make the proper adjustments and implement new strategies proactively. Brainstorm options that will keep your company afloat during this time, and make a ranked list of the ones best suited for your business goals. Additionally, have a plan B. 

Have a Daily Employee Kick-off Meeting 

Every morning, my cannabis staffing team and I have a kick-off meeting to start the day. We discuss the progress we’ve made so far, our game plan, and ways we can progress toward our goals. I also find it very important to check up on how my employees are doing, and remind them that I’m always here to help. Keep the meetings lean since engagement decreases the longer it goes. I also like to send my team off with words of inspiration to set a positive tone for their day. 

Complete 3-5 Essential Tasks Daily

Whether you’re in the cannabis industry or not, you always have to think about leading your company in a prosperous direction. I like to make a list of 3 to 5 tasks I can do for the day that will help my cannabis staffing firm move forward. Make them specific and measurable objectives that work toward achieving one of your main goals. I also prioritize the tasks and write down how I’m going to complete them. A checklist is a simple but powerful tool. 

Highlight Achievements  of Your Employees

I always acknowledge the achievements of my employees, whether their success is big or small. I find it’s important to show them they are appreciated so that they can stay positive throughout these difficult times. Recognizing employee achievements encourages engagement, reduces stress, and increases productivity. Being a cannabis staffing firm, I also like to award my employees with products we all enjoy using every so often. 

Start Your Day With a Workout

Leading a company, especially in the young cannabis industry, has plenty of challenges. If you don’t step away from it every so often, your mind becomes stale. Switching gears and riding my bike or Peloton exercise bike (if it’s raining) helps start my day off right. Working out helps me improve my mood, concentration, and drive. I also use cannabis to relax after work, which promotes mindfulness. Find out what works for you, so you can refresh your mind and body.

Cannabis Staffing Services

If you need cannabis staffing services, whether you’re looking for executive, full-time, or temporary employees, we can help. For those searching for cannabis jobs, please check out our job board, which is updated daily. We’re dedicated to making the right connections in the cannabis industry, so please reach out to us at or click on any of the links below.

Find Executive or Full-Time Talent: click here

Find Temporary Employees: click here

Find a Job: click here

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