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Cannabis Human Resources Jobs

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Looking for Cannabis Human Resources Jobs

There are plenty of opportunities in the human resources sector for the cannabis industry. Whether you just graduated with an HR degree, earned an HR certificate, or have human resources experience, we can help you find your place in cannabis. The industry needs HR professionals, as many businesses have administrative burdens. From onboarding to payroll to employee retention, HR is critical for any cannabis business. Check out how you can get an HR job in the industry with our guide. And check out the latest HR opportunities on our job board. 

Temporary HR Cannabis Jobs

Taking temporary cannabis HR jobs is a smart option if you cannot land a full-time opportunity immediately. If you only have HR experience outside the industry, temporary gigs can help you gain experience in the space. Also, you can make connections with industry leaders by working in multiple temporary roles in HR.  

If you are a senior HR professional, you can work in the cannabis industry as a consultant or fractional executive. By doing so, you will have a flexible schedule, giving you more time to search for a full-time position. Of course, you can also start a career as a cannabis industry HR consultant. Consultant salaries will vary by state. For example, the average salary for an HR consultant in California is $88,000.  

Education Required for HR Cannabis Positions

There are three common positions in an HR department: HR assistant, HR specialist, and HR manager. The education requirements for each role differs—here are the education requirements for each position:

  • HR Assistants will typically hold an associate’s degree. However, they may be hired based on experience alone and may receive training on the job. 
  • HR Specialists will usually require a bachelor’s degree in human resources. Also, they may need work experience to get hired in the cannabis industry. 
  • HR Managers will need to have a bachelor’s degree in human resources, business management, finance, or a related field. 

HR & Cannabis Networking

The best way to network with other professionals in human resources by joining management associations like the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). You can also join state or county-specific HR management associations. Each state has several associations.  

Attending cannabis networking events—both in-person and online—can boost your chances of getting an HR job in the industry. However, you must be proactive while attending these events. Do your research and connect with industry leaders. Also, follow up with them after the event to schedule a call to pick their brain, discuss the industry, or just to catch up.

The Cannabis Industry Needs HR Professionals

Navigating human resources is an enormous challenge for startup businesses and new industries. Many business owners believe they can handle the administrative hurdles themselves. But many are struggling to keep up. From compliance and payroll to hiring and employee retention, HR professionals are needed in the cannabis industry. Check out our cannabis job board for the latest opportunities in the human resources field.

2022 Tri-State Cannabis Salary Guide

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2024 Cannabis Industry Salary Guide

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