Sales Account Executive
Sales and Marketing

RawlinsKnowledgeable Sales Account Exec passionate about cannabis

Relevant Skills

Product education, brand retention, revenue generation and forcasting

Expertise Summary
  • Currently, Rawlins is a Sales Account Executive for numerous large MSO dispensary accounts with regard to brand retention, revenue generation and forecasting, product education, and KPI tracking.
    • He is a well-connected and respected member of the cannabis landscape.
    • He is a beer wholesales veteran with multiple leadership roles held.
  • Rawlins is well-versed in KPI creation and execution in the cannabis space with a 95% success rate in a very compressed and close-knit market.
    • While at a federal credit union, Rawlins built a delivery model for 3rd party distribution and sales for 3rd party processors from the ground up.
  • Rawlins worked cross-departmentally to build, stand up, and manage an entire division.
    • Within the first 4 months, he procured 4 independent processors for the platform and rolled out sales onto 14 dispensary shelves.
    • He generated $250,000 in sales within the first 6 months.
  • Rawlins worked directly and alongside dispensaries to help educate the staff on products in order to create brand awareness and future retention.
    • He has a deep understanding about how the dispensary model works from a wholesale side and from a dispensary side based on sales experience and deep relationships with dispensary buyers.
  • Rawlins has been a cannabis enthusiast for the better part of 20 years with an extensive knowledge of processing operations, strain and phenotype knowledge, and medical applications for patients.
    • He is a proven asset to his current employer and to the cannabis industry, with an ability to educate and speak confidently and passionately to patients, giving them confidence in the product and the relief they’re seeking.

2022 Tri-State Cannabis Salary Guide

Salary guide download for the Tri-State cannabis market

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2024 Cannabis Industry Salary Guide

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